Geneva: Solidarity greetings from Reclaim The Streets


On December 19 about 500 people took part in Reclaim The Streets to reclaim the streets, squares and public spaces and fill them with action. We participated as a group in this evening within the context of “Black December” carrying out various militant actions.

The call for a Black December came from anarchists inside the prisons of the Greek democracy. The call was to unite all militant forms of resistance worldwide and overcome our differences by attacking the system together.

With the black memory of our dead who accompany our rebellious steps.
Solidarity and complicity with our prisoners and fugitives.
War by any means necessary against authority.

Swiss weapons, Swiss money – murdering worldwide

Switzerland is often called the center of Western capital. Banks invest in arms, drugs and human trafficking, resource robbery, food speculation and war. They benefit from both the oppressors and the oppressed. For example, in WW2 Switzerland cooperated with Germany and allowed them to engage in forex trading. After the war they benefited from the numerous unclaimed accounts of those murdered in Nazi Germany. This strategy still continues today. Dictators have accounts in Switzerland and after they fall their money is made available to the banks. This is why we chose a numer of banks as targets and attacked them with spraypaint and hammers.

Long live the revolution in Rojava

Our comrades in Rojava fight for the revolution and against the barbarism of Daesh. Several countries including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and Turkey support this barbarism with money, weapons and logistics. But Switzerland also provides support and obtains benefits from the conflict. The fighters in Syria use Swiss weapons, Switzerland is also one of the biggest hubs for antiquities stolen by Daesh and oil from Daesh refineries are sold in Swiss gas stations. This is why we have left many spraypainted slogans calling for solidarity with the combatants in Rojava.

Molotovs against cops

After the Daesh attacks in Paris, numerous armed cops patrolled the major Swiss railway stations for supposed security. But there is more to come – the security forces are about to be further upgraded. For example it will soon be legal in Bern for cops to begin patrolling with machine guns. We reject this militarization and control of everyday life by the authorities. On Saturday we were many and were clearly stronger than the forces of repression. They were unable to prevent us from mobilizing and had to withdraw due to our defensive stance. Even after a phase of militant reluctance the fact that once again molotovs were being thrown at cops showed how great our determination was.

Down with division

Black December strives not only for riots, but should also be a call to get to know each other again and to overcome differences. These differences were overcome on Saturday, the usual division into ‘militants’ and ‘peaceful’ did not take place. Instead, the streets were reclaimed together and filled with discontent. This is exactly what the authorities tried to retrospectively deny with disinformation. The unity of the symbolic actions has been played down with 30 ‘rioters’ being blamed for all the damages and the remainder portrayed as depoliticized ‘party people.’ For us the evening was a detonator for future actions in the streets – to occupy houses, to disseminate texts, to flood the cities with posters and flyers, throw molotovs at cops, spray slogans on walls, to sabotage the smooth flow of goods at Christmas time, to loot ostentatious wealth, to carry out public actions and to exchange experiences of different forms of struggle.

The many spray painted slogans, the broken windows and fiery greetings towards the cops were the least we could do to express our open hostility to this rule.

We send greetings to Nikos, Marco and everyone else in the prisons.
We send greetings to all the fighters in Rojava.
We send greetings to all the fighters in Chile and all the other places with whom we rarely show solidarity with.

(via Contra Info, translated by Insurrection News, slightly modified for clarity)

This entry was posted in ACAB, Anarchist Prisoners, Black December, Chile, Direct Action, FTP, Geneva, Graffiti, Greece, Greek Prisons, Insurrection, Reclaim The Streets, Rojava, Sabotage, Switzerland. Bookmark the permalink.

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