Brazil: Incendiary attack against a Bradesco bank branch by Marie Mason Cell / M.I.A for Black December


Manifesto of M.I.A – Movimento Insurgente Anarquista (Insurgent Anarchist Movement) Marie Mason Cell

Between the end of November and the beginning of December, two ancient trees were cut down in the square outside the Our Lady of Remedies church at the behest of the Osasco-Sao Paulo municipal authorities.

And, in August 2015, the armed branches of government assassinated more than 20 people in one night in the regions of Osasco, Barueri, Carapicuiba and Itapevi. All the people who were assassinated came from the favelas and the barrios away from the center of these fascist states.

In response to these assassinations, we have brought our fire to one of the veins that keeps this oppressive system alive. Even though it will not bring back the trees that resisted the concrete of this unhealthy civilization nor will it bring back the lives of the people who became victims of genocide caused by these Nazis, we claim full responsibility for the arson attack against the Bradesco bank branch located at number 924 São José avenue in Osasco, Sao Paulo that took place at dawn on December 16th.


We are the generation of fire, the poor and hungry who they tried to erase from history. Our urban guerrilla war arises to follow in the footsteps of those that came before. In the name of all spilled anarchist blood, in the name of all the nights spent behind bars, we no longer fear the consequences of our actions because we are tired of living in fear – from now on we will be like wolves, baring our teeth to our enemies!!

We are continuing the international call for #DEZEMBRONEGRO15 (Black December 2015) in solidarity and complicity with the black memory of our dead, our kidnapped and imprisoned comrades and those still on the run.

Not one step back, combative comrades forward worldwide!

Insurgent Anarchist Movement – Marie Mason Cell


Manifesto in Portuguese

This entry was posted in Anarchist Insurgent Movement (M.I.A.), Anarchist Prisoners, Black December, Brazil, Direct Action, Incendiary Attack, Marie Mason Cell, São Paulo, Urban Guerrillas. Bookmark the permalink.